Monday, March 28, 2011

And... It's a BOY!!! Jackson Charles McCandless Buck

We welcomed Jackson Charles McCandless Buck into our lives on March 22, 2011 at 1:54 pm. He weighed in at 7lbs. 8oz. and his height was 20in. He arrived into our arms VERY QUICKLY but very healthy. His Mamma had some issues that caused us to be in the hospital longer than usual. I was hemorrhaging after he was born and had emergency surgery. I then developed postpartum preeclampsia. My blood pressure sky rocketed and I developed a severe headache which led the Doc. to test my platelets and liver enzymes, The enzymes were too high and the platelets were too low so they placed me on magnesium sulfate. The stuff was terrible. I couldn't get out of bed for two days nor could I be alone with Jack at any time which made feeding him in the middle of the night a bit tricky:( However we made it through and are both doing great now.

Benjamin is such a wonderful older brother. He gives Jack little kisses and will go over to check on him to make sure he is still there and ok. It is so cute:) Other than that Benjamin has remained unfazed by this whole transition, which blows me away. I am so proud of him and can't wait to see them interact and play together when Jack gets a little bigger.

Monday, March 21, 2011

OK... Here we go!!! Week 40 and progress

Week 40 belly shot with the USA jersey

I am going into the hospital tomorrow March 22nd @ 7:45am in hopes that this baby will appear:) Conrad left this morning for an audition in NY. Unexpectedly, after news from my 40 week check up, I had to call him following his audition to let him know that things were starting to progress and he needed to get home. He had planned on staying overnight in NY with a couple of good friends Elspeth Davis and Laura Strickling.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 35 with Buggy

Well, I am 35 weeks with Buggy and I AM READY!!! The nursery seems to be mostly done, and Ben's room is complete. Now all we need is to wash the baby clothes and put them in the dresser for Buggy. Here are a few picks on Ben in his new bed, which he LOVES. He is currently a snot rocket due to yet another cold, so we have been changing his sheets like they were a one time use thing. Ah well, such is life with a toddler in daycare:)

Week 35 with Buggy... BIG BELLY!!!

For the sake of comparison, here is a belly shot from 36 weeks with Ben.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ben turns 2!!!

Benny turned two last Saturday. He got some great gifts, ate pizza and cake, and graduated to a big-boy bed. Of course the the best gift of all (though he may not see it that way for a few years (decades?)) will be his new brother or sister this March.

Thanks to Gaumie for Benny's new hand-crocheted blanket!

New Bedroom Furniture

The New Bed

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 27 for Buggy and more Holiday fun!

Look at that smiling boy

The always wonderful bathtub shot

Week 27 shot of Buggy

Mama sporting her 27 week Buggy belly

My "A" number one little Man!

How I love my Monkey kisses:)

My two favorite boys! Aren't they cute?

My favorite picture of my two boys

Family of three in front of our tree...

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Benny in the Leaves

Benny totally got into "raking" leaves yesterday while daddy mowed the lawn and mommy pruned.

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