Monday, December 21, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

And it did... for 28 hours straight. On Saturday we received around 20in. of snow. It was amazing. It NEVER stopped! It was very pretty to watch, from inside our warm house :) On Sunday however, it took 3 hours to dig the car out :( here are a few pics to give you the general idea.

Random pic of Ben

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Over the River and Through the Woods...

To Grandmother's house we went!!! And it SNOWED!!! We went up to Mt. Gretna to celebrate Conrad's Grandma's birthday with his aunt Barbara, cousin Dashielle and cousin once removed Nico. We got to meet Nico Charles Haskin Beaudoin for the first time. Nico is Dashielle's son. It was so fun to watch the two of them interact. Nico is 6 mos. older than Ben and MUCH more calm! He is an absolute sweetheart and has a wonderful disposition. The two of them together were very entertaining to watch. It was great that two (of the 4) of Joan's great-grandchildren could be there to help her celebrate her birthday. So for the reason that anyone really reads blogs... here are the pictures :)

We took a walk in the new snow and Ben fell asleep in his little cocoon of warmth.

The Cousins with their kids

Ben is not used to being bundled up like this so he fought us a little. Nico on the other hand was a CHAMP. He is very used to bundling... They live in Quebec... very cold... brrrrrrr.

Barbara, Ben, Joan, Dashielle and Nico

Dashielle entertaining both Ben and Nico!

Great-Grandma and her Great-Grandson

The two boys playing on the floor. Ben looking highly intelligent with a shampoo bottle hanging out of his mouth... We are sooo proud :/

We got Joan a Snuggie for her birthday. Conrad was so embarrassed to take it to the counter and pay for it. I thought it was hysterical to watch him squirm :)
Barbara got the boys these animal hats and they are sooo CUTE

Nico showing Ben the cranberry garland that was being placed on the Christmas tree.

Ben chewing on slippers and Nico dancing :)

Happy Holidays everyone!!
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