Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monkey Walks!!! (finally)

So the little man finally walks @ 14mos. He has apparently been walking at daycare since the beginning of March, but wouldn't do it for us at home. i guess he knew that we are a bunch of suckers :) I found this out when I was relating a story of a little 10 mo. old girl, who walked around our school building unassisted like a champ! She is the great-granddaughter of Ms. Burtwell (the greatest woman in the world to have in a classroom with you) I went to Daycare that day a little bummed that this little girl at 10 mos. was a solid walker and Ben at 13 mos. still wouldn't walk. As i was telling the woman who runs the daycare this story she looked at me very quizzically and said, "He walks, watch." She proceeded to set him on the floor where, unassisted, he walked over to the bookshelf which was a good 5 feet away. However, he then caught me in his sight line, dropped to his knees, and very energetically crawled over to me! What a little bugger! Obviously he was picking and choosing the audience for which he would crawl and I was not invited to the show... Thank goodness he finally changed his mind! I was afraid that I was going to have to carry him around for the rest of his life :)

Anyway here is a video of him walking, sort of... Enjoy!

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