Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Benny in the Leaves

Benny totally got into "raking" leaves yesterday while daddy mowed the lawn and mommy pruned.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 23 for Buggy

Can't believe it but Buggy and I are already into week 23! Time really does pass quickly when things get crazy busy. As I suppose happens often with the 2nd child, this is the first shot I have taken with Buggy whereas I started documenting with Ben at week 12:( My goal is to not make this a trend. Buggy and I have our Doc's appointment on Tue and I feel confident that my trend of losing weight is over! I had lost 10 lbs. at the last appointment which apparently is a big no-no. I guess I am pre-programed to think "YES" when there is weight-loss involved. Anyway when I get the new stats I will update.

We are really getting excited to welcome this new treasure into our crazy lives. Monkey finally noticed my increasing belly size and started poking at it tonight. It was too funny. It was almost like he was trying to deflate me:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

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