Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 35 with Buggy

Well, I am 35 weeks with Buggy and I AM READY!!! The nursery seems to be mostly done, and Ben's room is complete. Now all we need is to wash the baby clothes and put them in the dresser for Buggy. Here are a few picks on Ben in his new bed, which he LOVES. He is currently a snot rocket due to yet another cold, so we have been changing his sheets like they were a one time use thing. Ah well, such is life with a toddler in daycare:)

Week 35 with Buggy... BIG BELLY!!!

For the sake of comparison, here is a belly shot from 36 weeks with Ben.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ben turns 2!!!

Benny turned two last Saturday. He got some great gifts, ate pizza and cake, and graduated to a big-boy bed. Of course the the best gift of all (though he may not see it that way for a few years (decades?)) will be his new brother or sister this March.

Thanks to Gaumie for Benny's new hand-crocheted blanket!

New Bedroom Furniture

The New Bed

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