Saturday, September 13, 2008

13 weeks and 17 weeks

13 Weeks

17 Weeks


Carolyn said...

Your mother and I just checked out the "baby bump." We'll anxiously monitor the progress of the "sea monkey."

Anonymous said...

OK, I've been working with a baby elephant a LOT lately-- he is 3 weeks old and weighs 333 pounds. People say he doesn't LOOK like he weighs that much (especially next to his mom who weighs 7,000 lbs!). But here is the truth: Remember all those years of saying, "I'm big boned" or "muscle weighs more than fat" (my 2 personal favorites!? Well, it is TRUE in elephants-- they have incredibly big & HEAVY bones, and they are solid muscle! I think this is ALSO TRUE for pregnant women (I know it was with me!). You look great, Meghan!!! Love the blog (& you two)!
Abuela del mono

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