Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pregnant, or Just Big Boned?

Ever been confronted with a question that could possibly turn uncomfortable? Let me tell you a story...

Obviously I have gained some weight as a side effect of pregnancy. That being said, my current look is that visually glorious in-between stage where the question on everyones mind is something along the lines of, "Is she pregnant, or just plumping up for a sparce winter?"

With this in mind, imagine my surprise when two people in the same day asked me when Monkey was due. At first it didn't strike me as odd, but looking back I wonder just how much I would have cried twer there no due date. As someone well aquainted with the concept of insecurity, I have to wonder how many years of therapy it would take to restack that house of cards. Yay self-esteem!!!


Mom said...

Our baby is working so hard to prepare for entrance into our world. Give him/her rest and song!!

Sand Castle said...

Yay for a baby blog! And sorry Meg, but it only gets worse with the questions, here are a few from when I was pregnant with Jeff and keep in mind these were comments made by complete strangers: "When are you due? .... Really, you're only 6 months? I thought you must be any day now!" and "What is it? .... Why wouldn't you find out? Don't you want to plan ahead? You must be crazy to not find out!" and "whoa, are you ok? you look tired, and man you must be about to pop!" (and that was from a GUY) Yeah it's great. :) My brother had a good idead that when people asked questions like that I should just say, "What baby?" :) Hope all is well, and we are so happy you started this blog! love you!

Carolyn said...

Had to sign up for a "blog" account, thus the delay in responding. Your Baby Blog is darling and makes us feel involved in your big event. Keep posting and we'll keep checking. So anxious to see the pics on the 22nd.

J & C

e said...

My mother faced the same issues - but much after the birth of my sister, her final child. I remember clearly being at the grocery store and witnessing some idiot ask my mother when she was due. She simply responded, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat." Score one for Mom! And another note... Congrats Meghan! I'm sure Conrad's told you, but I'm so excited for the both of you! And I can't wait to meet the Monkey (and you!) someday very soon!

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