Monday, October 6, 2008

22 Weeks and Counting!

Well, here is my belly at week 22. I think I feel the difference more than I see the difference. It is definitely something I can't hide anymore and tends to grow throughout the day (much more substantial in the evening than in the morning). The wonderful new development is that I can now feel movements, more so than just the sensation of a popping bubble. The gymnastics tournament in my belly every evening after dinner is actually quite a strange sensation. Not at all how I imagined it would feel. I am one who thrives off of the reassurance this newer development offers.

I have let the kids at school know about Monkey and they are pretty excited about becoming "Godparents." In their community if you are not a blood relative you tend to be a Godparent. Thus, when they claim a familial relation to every other student in the school they can rationalize it. One of the most common explanations for why they just smacked someone else on the head is that, "It's ok, that's my cousin." Needless to say these children are a unique breed. Lovable on their own, but the group dynamic is not the greatest. It makes me smile however, when I am at school scolding the kids for being too loud and Monkey is getting very upset from the noise and kicking or punching me. I can really lay on the guilt and get a 50/50 shot at it making a difference.

Conrad and I finally ventured to the wondrously overwhelming establishment that is Babies я Us. Holy Crap!!! My first emotion upon walking through those sliding glass doors was, "Ok, I don't want to do this anymore! How can one little baby require all of this?" We proceeded to the registration counter to get started. We got all set up with our scanner gun and we were ready, to stand in one place looking at row upon row of different pacifiers, bottles, medicines, soaps, etc. not knowing what the hell to do or which one to pick. Finally we picked none of them got frustrated and moved on to the next isle. The big things like stroller, crib, dresser were easy. Which one do we like best? The other stuff was nearly impossible to differentiate between. Conrad kept it light, while I was ready to curl up into a ball and disappear, so God bless him for that. See we make a good team right? I overreact and he doesn't react at all.

We were perusing the bathtub isle, which by the way is rather extensive as well and could be a tore on it's own, and we came upon the Deluxe Baby Spa. This thing is insane! It has jetted whirlpool effects that we don't have in our regular tub, and a shower detachable handle to rinse baby off. It was crazy expensive especially taking into consideration we registered for a piece of foam that will (ideally) keep Monkey afloat and only costs $7. At this point in our adventure Conrad had the brilliant and oh, so loud idea that the baby spa was remarkably similar in size and function to the foot spa we already owned. At this point in the exclamation a woman next to us turned to Conrad and gave him the most withering, disgusted look I have ever seen. She thought he was serious which I found rather amusing, to her even further disgust. Once I got myself pulled back together and had made the much needed trip to the restroom ( due to excess laughing) we proceeded on to the next isle which had the foam things that positions the baby in the crib. We had already decided to forgo a bassinet due to no storage availability after it's usefulness was through. Conrad then piped up with his second gem (even brighter and louder than the first one), that it was a shame we had previously disposed of the box from Costco that could easily take the place of the foam positioner. As it happens the disgusted woman from before was witness to this second brilliant display of cost-saving ingenuity from my husband and my hysterical laughter. I had previously thought it impossible, but she managed to get even more disgusted with us and stormed off muttering something unintelligible under her breath, which prompted the second and equally as necessary restroom break on my part. After this we hurried through the rest of the store scanning anything and seemingly everything so we could get the heck out of there and go home. I was exhausted and impatient at this point and Conrad was no longer focusing on the task at hand, but checking out the latest sports scores and highlights that he had missed in the 4 hours since entering this magical land of extravagance. I took the longest nap to date in my pregnancy upon arriving at home. It was wonderful and a great conclusion to an unnecessarily stressful adventure. (the stress was unnecessary not the adventure)!


The Ponemaster said...

wow. Preggers. Awesome. I'm glad that DNC is calling it Overlord, and Preggers Meggers is calling it Monkey. We're off to a good start already...... :)

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought. Instead of Babies R Us, try Pet Smart. Prices are cheaper, dogs bed is just like a crib, and a dried pigs ear makes a great teething ring


Heather said...

Haha! We miss you guys! Glad to know Conrad hasn't changed a bit!

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