Sunday, November 30, 2008

30 Weeks... and stuff

Big belly getting bigger. 30 weeks and counting!

Hmmm. We might have to do somethin about Desi thinking this was set up for her own personal use! Any thoughts?

And so that Lucy Goosie doesn't feel left out... Here she is in all her burrowed glory!!!

Here is a picture of the stroller that was lovingly given to us by Conrad's Mom and Dad. We love it! And as you can see it has been explored by all furry creatures that reside in the house.

And here it is again.
This is a very exciting time for Conrad who will be starting his rehearsals for High School Musical on Tuesday. He has been awaiting the time when he would be able to step on stage again, as does every nut job who decides to follow the lights of the stage. We also will be having our 30 week apt at the Doc's office this week and no news from the Doctor regarding any concerns. You know what they say, "No news is good news!"

So far the Pregnancy is going well and Monkey is moving around a lot. Things are getting a little uncomfortable but I am sure that it will only get "better" as we progress farther along. So needless to say we are getting anxious, not to hurry the process, to meet Monkey and see whether we have a little Monkey or a Monkette :)

Love to everyone in this festive time of year. Enjoy the lights and wonder of the season!!!


Heather said...

Our cats couldn't get enough of the crib and changing table either!! We let them be until Callie came, and now have to keep the door to the nursery closed even when Callie isn't in there because they still try and take her stuff over! So cute!

Also, we have the same stroller/car seat as you do (I think)--it's a Babytrend. Anyway, we love it! So useful and functional!

Hope these next 10ish weeks go well for you! My hips started hurting like no other day and night when it got closer to her delivery date so I pretty much stopped sleeping two weeks or so before Callie was born. I still was active though--ran until three days before Callie was born.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas & a Happy, Safe New Year! I can't wait to meet the great-grandchild!
Love & Kisses.

Anonymous said...

The baby's room has come together so well! We're so glad someone (i.e. the cats) is able to try out and use everything before Monkey takes over. The stroller looks great-- can't wait to try it out, but with a baby inside! It won't be long, though these last months always seem to be the longest...

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