Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Plead the Fifth

So after a few consults with our OBGYN and the latest ultrasound, we have officially scheduled the inducement for February 5th, time unknown.

At the ultrasound on Monday, we found out the baby is already estimated to be 8 pounds. Monkey already has daddy and mommy beat as far as birth weight. When the OBGYN found that out, she highly recommended inducing before the due date to avoid the complications that can arise from having a very large baby. As Meghan has been miserable for the last few weeks (months?), she jumped at the chance for an earlier birth.

Oddly enough, the third trimester ultrasound looked the least like a human child (or alien overlord) out of all of them. The baby is so big that each angle was generally either "stomach," or "head." the technician eventually had to stop due to a "bladder emergency" (in case you weren't aware, ultrasound "victims" are told to drink 24 oz. of water an hour before the appointment).

See if you can guess what view this is...

Probably the last two belly photos... The USA soccer jersey has never looked better :)

Let the countdown begin!


Anonymous said...

I know you'll be very happy to have this baby. Uncle Kenny was 8 lbs. 12 oz. & Karen was 8 lbs. 6 oz, so I know exactly how you feel, Meghan. It will be so good to have the real baby! Can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl.
Love to all 3 of you,
Grandma McC.

Anonymous said...

I love ultrasound techs. They always say, "Oh, look! There is your ___." Everything always looks like an alien overlord to me! Except this ultrasound, of course. It looks like a future soccer player-- the shirt may have influenced me a bit. AND, both boys and girls play soccer! Can't wait 'til the 5th!
Besos y love to all.

Megan said...

What a great belly! :) I am soooooo glad they aren't just letting you go like they did with me. We were lucky there weren't more complications with Jeff being so big. People still can't believe I didn't have a C-section. We'll hope maybe you go into labor on your own in the next few days. We'll be thinking of you!

Heather said...

oh my--your baby is big! :) what great belly photos! so exciting :)

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