Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Benny: Week One

Here are a bunch of new pictures of Benny. So far things are going very well. He rarely screams and we have been getting relatively good sleep (knock on wood). Grandad Hammack got into town on the 12th, and Abuelita Buck is coming in two days.
And in more important news, Benny also helped root on the US Men's soccer team to a 2-0 victory over arch-rival Mexico in a World Cup qualifier on Wednesday. To top it all off, our favorite player scored both of the goals!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Introducing Benjamin David Buck

We have a baby!!!

Benjamin David Buck was born at 3:33 pm on Feb.5. He weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz (thankfully much less than anticipated). 20 1/2 ".

He officially came home yesterday. Gaumie Hammack was there for the delivery, and Uncle Michael came into town today. The rest of the immediate family will be arriving over the next two weeks. In the meantime, we have been doing skype video chats with everyone to see the new baby.

Here are a few pictures. The full album can be viewed here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 Days!!

Just got out of my last Doctor's appointment!!! There is a slightly raised "risk" that Monkey will have to be delivered via c-section due to doctor's fear of size and high probability of getting stuck. I figure as long as Monkey comes out safely I am game for anything. My Mom gets here tomorrow and I can't wait to see her. I wish my Daddy could be here for the delivery too, but darn Monkey needs to enter the world a little earlier than expected so Dad won't get here till the 12th (the original flight date). Needless to say we are very excited to meet this little baby.

I had another bout of flu or food poisoning on Sunday and somehow managed to bruise my xiphoid process. Hmmmmm... didn't know that could happen. I am very ready to get my organs back where they belong so strange parts of my body stop getting injured :)
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