Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 Days!!

Just got out of my last Doctor's appointment!!! There is a slightly raised "risk" that Monkey will have to be delivered via c-section due to doctor's fear of size and high probability of getting stuck. I figure as long as Monkey comes out safely I am game for anything. My Mom gets here tomorrow and I can't wait to see her. I wish my Daddy could be here for the delivery too, but darn Monkey needs to enter the world a little earlier than expected so Dad won't get here till the 12th (the original flight date). Needless to say we are very excited to meet this little baby.

I had another bout of flu or food poisoning on Sunday and somehow managed to bruise my xiphoid process. Hmmmmm... didn't know that could happen. I am very ready to get my organs back where they belong so strange parts of my body stop getting injured :)


Anonymous said...

Lots of photos are in order for those of us who won't be there for the big event. We'll be thinking of you, Meghan-- what a happy day for you and Conrad! Remember, focus and breathe!
Love all 3 of ya-- can't wait to meet Monkey!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Meghan! I'm anxiously awaiting the news.
Grandma McC.

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