Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More pictures of Sir Benjamin

Amazingly our little boy started out in Daddy's arms and worked himself into an impossible position!!! Do we have a contortionist on our hands?
Amazing really :)

My students saw Ben for the first time :)
They were soooo excited!!
Tired and dirty parents giving Ben a bath

Ben is doing wonderfully and is an amazing little guy! Hard to believe he is finally here and ours to boot :) We have had so many phone calls, gifts, and cards for little Ben and we can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support. We also have an amazing family. The support and help of my parents, brother, and Conrad's parents and grandmothers has been invaluable. We couldn't have gotten through the first couple of weeks without them. We miss them all greatly, but are doing well with it being just the three of us.

One of the highlights of the last couple weeks was taking little Ben to see my kids at school. They were so excited to finally see him, as were some of the other faculty members:) The kids were very loud and hyper, as was to be expected, but Ben slept the whole time! They never got to see his eyes because they were tightly closed. He didn't wake up until the students left for the day and it got very quiet. I guess after nine months of hearing all the noise in the classroom and me yelling at the kids, um... I mean ... gently encouraging them to be quiet, it was very calming and comforting to him, like a lullaby is to most other children!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love the pictures!!!!! He's seriously adorable!!!! Thank you for sharing :) I hope you are doing well, Mommy--and that things aren't too overwhelming. I remember in these first weeks that I felt good (tired, but good) and then after about month or so, it really started to hit me how exhausting taking care of a baby can be. I'll be praying for you to just have one beautiful day after another with your new family :)

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