Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby B!!!

Here are the ultra sound pics from our appointment today. Everything went very well. The heartbeat was strong and the brain looked clear of cysts and other abnormalities which was a huge relief after Ben's scare with the choroid plexus cyst. It was so wonderful to see the baby, and finally made it feel very real! We are trying to come up with a nickname for the baby to reference to Ben and others and have come up empty handed. We have Skeletore but thought that might be slightly inappropriate, well at least I felt that way:) Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

More pics of Ben to follow shortly. I can't believe it is already October. I have neglected my blog for far too long...


Abuelita said...

Cutie Pie comes to mind... (very distinguishing facial features I think!)

Patriarch said...

See what Ben comes up with. I'm guessing either "Apple", "Muffin", or "there you go".

Sand Castle said...

What about "Sprout?" Since it's another baby Buck, like a young buck, whippersnapper..... I don't know, Sprout came to mind. Maybe too much like a plant. :) And didn't you call Ben peanut? Sprout would be linked kinda. :) Well, whatever you come up with will be great. So glad everything is going well! Love you!

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