Sunday, October 19, 2008

24 weeks

Here is a picture of the belly at 24 weeks. It is sticking out a little farther than a couple of weeks ago.
We have some good news. A couple of weeks ago a scan of Monkey's brain showed a Choroid Plexus Cyst. As far as complications go it is a fairly common one, however it can be an indicator of a chromosomal abnormality. Needless to say I was a wreck thinking the worst as only an irrational person like myself can think. The good news is that on Thursday I got a call from the doctor. After she had viewed the newest ultra sound, it had been determined that the cyst had resolved itself. It was GONE!!!! Thank God! One stress gone. Everything else looks great and right on target. I have been feeling increased movement, but Conrad is still not able to feel anything. Hopefully soon!

Here is the latest ultra sound of Monkey. I love looking at these pictures knowing that the cyst is gone. It makes me smile :)
Look at that big old noggin! Conrad says it is a sign of intelligence. However, that is what all people with big heads say;)
Not much else going on over here. We are getting ready for my parents to come to Baltimore. I am so excited to see them. We actually get to have all of us together for Mako's birthday for the first time since he graduated high school. Since we weren't all together this summer, this will be the first time since Christmas. So needles to say, I can't WAIT!!!!

Hope everyone has a great week.


Anonymous said...

Paternal parent of the mom is anxious to see you too. Also, glad to know the cyst issue is behind us.

Looking very much forward to celebrating your brothers b-day with you and Conrad. Big heads do mean great intelligence (says the hat size (7 3/4+) granparent. It is important that you treat the high-intelligence members of the family with all due respect.

An aside here - Calvin, our new cat, climbed my entire body, standing erect, trying to reach a shoe lace dangling from my shoe that I was trying to put on. I was seated when he started to climb and then I stood up and then I raised the shoe above my head and he kept climbing. Needless to say I finally removed him from my, by that time, painful body.

Ah, well - great intelligence does not mean quick of mind.


Anonymous said...

Hi, kids!

My new granddaughter, Izzy, was thought to have a cyst, also! Must be the latest in conditions....?! Anyway, I'm glad your Monkey's has less thing to worry over!

Hugs to you all.....
Nee Nee

Anonymous said...

Love the latest pics! This blog really changes the old concept of a "baby book". Glad to hear all is well-- s/he is certainly a beautiful baby-- already (big head and all!).

Unknown said...

That is so awesome to see your cute tummy! Love the pictures and glad to hear things went well at the doctors. The baby's head does look big...I'm thinking C-section. :)
Miss ya!

Heather said...

Great ultrasound pictures!! I'm glad the cyst is gone. When we did our blood work with Callie, the results came back with a higher ratio for downs syndrome. Anyway, because we didn't want to do an amnio, we didn't actually know that Callie didn't have downs until after she was born. It was difficult knowing that our baby might have downs syndrome, so I can understand what you were probably feeling knowing that your precious one had a cyst! Oh, and by the way, you can put a link to our blog on your site. Glad you checked it out!

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