Wednesday, August 11, 2010

summer pics From Portland, to Idaho and Back

Grandad and Ben

Gaumie and Ben

Ben in Uncle Sam's wheelbarrow! Soooo much fun

And our most favorite... WHEELS

Gaumie and Ben on our cruise around the lake

Look Mama, I have food on my head!

Ben spent a lot of time taking the rocks out of the fountain and lining them up on the table

Our other favorite thing is sticks! Oh how he loves a dirty stick:)

Roxy and Ben sharing a delightful snack of chips and more chips:)

Abuelita and Ben in Portland

Our 21st century family portrait

Ben's first trip to the Oregon coast

Happy boy

Our little Einstein

Tadku and Ben


Heather said...

What a great assortment of pictures! Love his einstein hair!

Tina B said...

He's absolutely gorgeous. You're going to have to watch out.

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